Saturday, November 15, 2008

Florida and the boys

All 3 in CiCi's small Volvo going from Ashley's house to our house!

Yes..they were all buckled up!

Ready for bed

Aren't they adorable?

Ben holding Camden...I don't think Camden is too sure of Ben!

Happy baby Camden

Yes...I've been slacking big time...but I haven't really had a whole lot of downtime. I came to Florida on Monday November 3rd. Warren had a virus and Ben stayed with his CiCi. I had company (my college roomate's son and his girlfriend) on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Good luck Todd on your interviews for residency! It was fun having Todd and Adina because I always enjoy cooking and I don't do it that much for just myself. I of course do it for the boys but they are not real gourmet eaters. On Thursday I drove to Orlando and picked up Camden. He came and stayed for 4 days. Ben and Warren enjoyed being with their baby cousin. (Yes...Warren was well by least we thought he was)! Greg flew in Friday night and we had all 3 spending the night! We had our friends Randy and Amy (great to see them!) for dinner on Saturday night and kept only Camden. We drove to Orlando on Sunday and spent time with Allison. Sorry we missed you David (he had to work)! Greg flew back to Tennessee on Monday morning and I returned to Parrish. Warren started getting sick again (high fever) on Monday evening. Ashley took him to the doctor on Tuesday and they gave him antibiotics for sinus infection, but really aren't sure that's the problem, so it still could be viral. His teachers at school say Type A Influenza is going around, so I guess we just hope he gets well soon! I was glad I was in Florida, because I've been able to keep Ben and take him to school for Ashley. Ben and I have felt fine so we've stayed away from the sick ones. I do have a few pictures to post from the few good times when everyone felt okay! I came home to Tennessee Thursday afternoon. Ashley said Warren fever finally broke last night. Rough night for her and him but hopefully he will be getting well now.
In the midst of all of this Tyler had to fly to the Cayman Islands on Saturday November 8. Paloma was devastating when it hit last week. They had a lot of damage to the hotel and surrounding properties on Cayman Brac. With Tyler gone I was thankful to be there for Ashley. He returned home on Friday November 14.
Busy times for us now that we are having our Thanksgiving and Christmas combined. All the kids will be here. They will start coming in next Thursday, yes one week before Thanksgiving. We are thankful and excited to all be able to be together. God has truly blessed us. I hope as we begin this holiday season you will thank God for the ways He has blessed you.